Harpford Weather

2008 Summary


Rainfall averages used to calculate the ‘Dep. from norm’ (departure from normal) are from the 1971 - 2000 30 year average from the Met Office site at Teignmouth as this is the nearest station that this information is available from and also has the most similar rainfall averages.

* Rainfall total on the 16th may have been an over-read due to temporary position of rain gauge.

Temperature averages used to calculate anomalies are estimated 1971-2000 values for this site, obtained using nearby official station averages, and also by comparing recent monthly averages from these stations to this site to calculate the difference.

These estimates take account of how the weather station records an average of all readings rather than the max+min/2 method and 0900-0900 GMT observing period for Met Office sites, and also local climate factors such as cool nights due to being in the Otter Valley, which can act as a frost hollow compared to surrounding higher ground and coasts.

Some ‘days of rain over .2mm’ may be be due to dew or frost melt, and as such a very small percentage of total rainfall is from this source.